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Published by Mayan Ancient Gods under on 20:30
The mayas used to praise natural gods, Most and each one of them had a good and a bad side. Like such cultures there were different levels of importance among the mayan gods. The supreme one of them all was the god, Kukulcan the Creator, who is known as the feathered serpent, it appears in many temples in the mayan buildings. Kukulcan had been adopted by the Toltecs and the Aztecs and they renamed it as "Quetzalcoatl".

Another important god is the god "Bolom Tzacab" who appears in the mayan art, oftenlty the image appears in the form of a sceptre which is carried out by the mayan rulers, it is thought to have functioned as a royal decent god.

Mayas thought that the only way of comunicating with the gods was throughout the human sacrifice, they thought that the human blood nourished the gods. It was also seen as a ritual for fertility, and demostrated piety and it propitiate the gods.

The Ceremony was held at the top of a pyramid and was directed by a priest that made an incition on the low part of the rib-cage to rip open the flesh and releasing a bath of blood. You can later investigate more about it. Other Mayan religious rituals included dancing, competition, ball games, dramatic performances, and prayer to the gods.

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